Wellness Lounger – Advanced Vibroacoustics
Found in the world’s most exclusive wellness centers, clinical health environments, behavioral change clinics, therapeutic & rehabilitation centers and allopathic hospitals, Wellness Lounger – Advanced Vibroacoustics is a complete natural vibrational and binaural sound treatment, designed to fully synchronize body and mind. This combination of mind-body stimulation is a powerful and effective tool for changing neural pathways and creating healthy behaviors.
Vibroacoustic treatment has been clinically proven to create behavioral change in people recovering from stress, anxiety, sleeping disorders, and addictions, as well as in people looking to reduce stress symptoms and increase a calmer state in their lives. Wellness Lounger – Advanced Vibroacoustics offers a non-invasive approach to delivering reliable and favorable outcomes without the need for medications, supplements, mechanical implements or electrical stimuli.
The wellness lounger utilizes proprietary technology that releases specific sound frequencies that permeate the entire body. Additionally, synchronized binaural sounds and music, sometimes accompanied by guided meditation, guides brainwave patterns to states of relaxation, meditation, deep sleep, and heightened mental focus.
The sleep and power nap programs are deep delta level programs that help retrain the brain to turn off the thinking mind and achieve states of deep delta sleep.